Doors of Perception

Welcome to my world, the mystery story
Listen to endlessly magical song
Sitting on my tree, there's nothing to worry
And no one can tell me to where i belong.

Chinese girl dancing in grace of perfection
She's looking for someone so special and free
Forgotten by sunlight, her soul in reflection
At dark shining rainbows for me.

Swimming and flying, like living and dreaming
All come as one, praising freedom of choice
The ocean of stars gently calling and screaming
And spreading the colorfull noise.

All of sudden, illusion divided
Pushed me to flowers, right down to the earth
My door of perception in chaos collided
Taming and riding my tired horse.

Welcome to my world, the mystery falling
There's no one denying my laughing or cry
Where consciousness stripped, overwhelming and stolen
And there is no reason to lie.


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