Slaves of Society

We all are living in the world
which gives disgrace.
And none of us has power to
Escape this place.

We all are slaves of governance and mastery.
And everyone's to wear
his manacle.

We can't complain and can not stop obey.
The cruel governor needs only our pain.

You must have broken chains so long ago...
You didn't want to stay, you must have gone.
And now you are enslaved in dirty world.
You have to break your chains, just break and go...

Your masters gave you name
and made you stop.
And why you let them fate,
rule and control?

But you seem happy with your Slavish life.
You don't moan when they all
Make sweat and cry.

And your existence's hard and makes you plain.
But you don't want to stop this awful pain!

You must have broken chains so long ago...
You didn't want to stay, you must have gone.
And now you are enslaved in dirty world.
You have to break your chains, just break and go...

Предыдущий: Грешное
Следующий: Из романа В зоне листопада. Песня