Стас Осенний 2
Поздняя осень
Ноябрь дождями тяжко задышал,Запахло перепревшею соломой,В лугах стога, как сморщенные гномы-Руси позднеосенний идеал.Землица – свежевспаханная плотьОзимыми наверх уже пробилась,Листва последним ветром кверху взвилась,Чтоб...
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Просмотр чисел:0 |Время:2024-12-09 04:00:09
Просмотр чисел:0 |Время:2024-12-09 04:00:09
Сонет 17
The glorious pourtraict of that Angels face, Made to amaze weake mens confused skil and this worlds worthlesse glory to embase, what pen, what pencill can expresse her fill?For though he colours could devize at will, and ek...
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Просмотр чисел:1 |Время:2024-12-07 10:00:08
Просмотр чисел:1 |Время:2024-12-07 10:00:08
Сонет 18
The rolling wheele that runneth often round, The hardest steele in tract of time doth teare: and drizling drops that often doe redound, the firmest flint doth in continuance weare.Yet cannot I with many a dropping teare, and long i...
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Просмотр чисел:3 |Время:2024-12-07 06:00:07
Просмотр чисел:3 |Время:2024-12-07 06:00:07
Сонет 13
In that proud port, which her so goodly graceth, whiles her faire face she reares up to the skie: and to the ground her eie lids low embaseth, most goodly temperature ye may descry,Myld humblesse mixt with awfull majesty, for looki...
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Просмотр чисел:3 |Время:2024-12-06 02:00:10
Просмотр чисел:3 |Время:2024-12-06 02:00:10
Сонет 14
Retourne agayne my forces late dismayd, Unto the siege by you abandon'd quite; great shame it is to leave like one afrayd, so fayre a peece for one repulse so light.Gaynst such strong castles needeth greater might then those small...
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Просмотр чисел:4 |Время:2024-12-05 22:00:10
Просмотр чисел:4 |Время:2024-12-05 22:00:10
Сонет 16
One day as I unwarily did gaze on those fayre eyes my loves immortall light: the whiles my stonisht hart stood in amaze, through sweet illusion of her lookes delight,I mote perceive how in her glauncing sight, legions of loves...
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Просмотр чисел:2 |Время:2024-12-05 20:00:09
Просмотр чисел:2 |Время:2024-12-05 20:00:09
Сонет 16
One day as I unwarily did gaze on those fayre eyes my loves immortall light: the whiles my stonisht hart stood in amaze, through sweet illusion of her lookes delight,I mote perceive how in her glauncing sight, legions of loves...
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Просмотр чисел:0 |Время:2024-12-05 20:00:09
Просмотр чисел:0 |Время:2024-12-05 20:00:09
Сонет 15
Ye tradefull Merchants that with weary toyle do seeke most pretious things to make your gain: and both the Indias of their treasures spoile, what needeth you to seeke so farre in vaine?For loe my love doth in her selfe c...
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Просмотр чисел:8 |Время:2024-12-05 20:00:09
Просмотр чисел:8 |Время:2024-12-05 20:00:09
Сонет 15
Ye tradefull Merchants that with weary toyle do seeke most pretious things to make your gain: and both the Indias of their treasures spoile, what needeth you to seeke so farre in vaine?For loe my love doth in her selfe c...
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Просмотр чисел:0 |Время:2024-12-05 20:00:09
Просмотр чисел:0 |Время:2024-12-05 20:00:09
Сонет 10
Unrighteous Lord of love what law is this, That me thou makest thus tormented be: the whiles she lordeth in licentious blisse of her freewill, scorning both thee and me.See how the Tyrannesse doth joy to see the huge massacres whic...
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Просмотр чисел:2 |Время:2024-12-04 10:00:07
Просмотр чисел:2 |Время:2024-12-04 10:00:07