English thinking of snow

Thinking of Snow
The day is new,
The snow is white,
'Tis a beautiful day.
Oh, what a sight1!
It's on the ground,
It's on the rocks2,
It's in the trees
And in my socks!
Later the sun
Will melt3 the snow
All things must end
And so it must go.
But again it will come
To cover4 the ground
And fill5 the trees
For miles6 around.
Bill Alexander.
1 sight [sait]-вид; 2 rock-скала; 3 melt-таять, рас-
таивать; 4 cover ['kлve]- покрывать; 5 fill- наполнять;
6 mile -миля

Предыдущий: Тоска
Следующий: Спецназ