I like to look - перевод Английская сказка
I like to look through window panes
While going by at night,
To see the people sitting there
All framed in the golden light.
But though it's fun to look at folks
To see what they're about,
I think it's best to be at home,
Inside, and looking out.
Я, глядя сквозь стекло на мир,
Когда сомкнулась тьма,
Ищу за окнами кумир,
Из света и ума.
Как весело, есть люди там,
В пространстве от тебя,
А легче видеть - по местам,
Мир изнутри любя.
While going by at night,
To see the people sitting there
All framed in the golden light.
But though it's fun to look at folks
To see what they're about,
I think it's best to be at home,
Inside, and looking out.
Я, глядя сквозь стекло на мир,
Когда сомкнулась тьма,
Ищу за окнами кумир,
Из света и ума.
Как весело, есть люди там,
В пространстве от тебя,
А легче видеть - по местам,
Мир изнутри любя.