Верните память

We must those,who used to save the Earth,
Those,who forgot success from their very birth.
Let's stand and pray for them with our stretching hands,
Those who are high above,but left us on the land.
We must remember them not once,but thousand times,
With goblet in the hand,with tears in the eyes.
We must remember them and their final fight,
They are now in the sky,without a single light.
Why have you left us all? Just for a single day,
Come back to us,l pray,
Let be it rainy fall,
Or maybe day or night.
Come back to us,l pray
And give us little light.
You loved your motherland
And didn't let it down,
And never did betray.
With candle in the hand
I pray for you,I pray.
And standing on my knees,
I bend my head before,
Before all our sons,
Who didn't come from war,
Remember them with peace.
Wars always carry soar,
Not always soar,much more!
Let never happen wars again,
They always bring us tears,pain.

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