Ain t perfect

Raining hard, my feet are wet
Messages ain’t getting through
A thousand reasons to be sad
But I enjoy my solitude

Longing for monogamy
Can’t help feeling entropy
That’s the way my life should be
Imaginary safety

Praising me like I was perfect
But instead you’ve chosen him
Life is simple, even boring
‘Cause you get just what you see…

I used to think you’re wiser
Than most people I meet
But he ain’t perfect either
So I accept defeat

Longing for monogamy
Can’t help feeling entropy
That’s the way my life should be
Imaginary safety


My congratulations!
Finally, we’re strangers
Nothing else to add
All’s been done and said…

Предыдущий: Quatrain четверостишье Немец-яз
Следующий: Подарунок... Перев. Светланы Груздевой