Леонид Пауди
Шекспир Сонет 25. Перевод
Let those who are in favour with their stars Of public honour and proud titles boast, Whilst I, whom fortune of such triumph bars,Unlooked for joy in that I honour most. Great princes' favourites their fair leaves spread But as the mar...
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Просмотр чисел:9 |Время:2024-09-18 03:00:09
Просмотр чисел:9 |Время:2024-09-18 03:00:09
Шекспир Сонет 9. перевод
Is it for fear to wet a widow's eye That thou consum'st thyself in single life?Ah! if thou issueless shalt hap to die, The world will wail thee like a makeless wife;The world will be thy widow and still weep, That thou no form of thee...
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Просмотр чисел:12 |Время:2024-09-18 01:00:11
Просмотр чисел:12 |Время:2024-09-18 01:00:11
Шекспир Сонет 27. Перевод
Weary with toil, I baste me to my bed, The dear repose for limbs with travel tired, But then begins a journey m my head, To work my mind, when body's work's expired;For then my thoughts (from far where I abide)Intend a zealous pilgrima...
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Просмотр чисел:14 |Время:2024-09-17 23:00:09
Просмотр чисел:14 |Время:2024-09-17 23:00:09
Шекспир Сонет 28. Перевод
How can I then return in happy plight That am debarred the benefit of rest? When day's oppression is not eased by night,But day by night and night by day oppressed; And each (though enemies to either's reign) Do in consent shake hands...
Сортировать:Переводы и стихи на других язы | Ярлык:Леонид Пауди
Просмотр чисел:12 |Время:2024-09-17 21:00:07
Просмотр чисел:12 |Время:2024-09-17 21:00:07
Шекспир Сонет 17. Перевод
Who will believe my verse in time to come If it were filled with your most high deserts? Though yet, heaven knows, it is but as a tombWhich hides your life, and shows not half your parts. If I could write the beauty of your eyes,And in...
Сортировать:Переводы и стихи на других язы | Ярлык:Леонид Пауди
Просмотр чисел:9 |Время:2024-09-17 17:00:07
Просмотр чисел:9 |Время:2024-09-17 17:00:07
Шекспир Сонет 21. перевод
So is it not with me as with that Muse, Stirred by a painted beauty to his verse,Who heaven itself for ornament doth use, And every fair with his fair doth rehearse, Making a couplement of proud compare With sun and moon, with earth an...
Сортировать:Переводы и стихи на других язы | Ярлык:Леонид Пауди
Просмотр чисел:18 |Время:2024-09-17 14:00:07
Просмотр чисел:18 |Время:2024-09-17 14:00:07
Шекспир Сонет13. Перевод
О that you were your self! but, love, you are No longer yours than you yourself here live; Against this coming end you should prepare, And^your sweet semblance to some other give: So should that beauty which you hold in lease Find no d...
Сортировать:Переводы и стихи на других язы | Ярлык:Леонид Пауди
Просмотр чисел:15 |Время:2024-09-16 21:00:09
Просмотр чисел:15 |Время:2024-09-16 21:00:09
Шекспир Сонет 14. Перевод
Not from the stars do I my judgement pluck, And yet methinks I have astronomy,But not to tell of good or evil luck,Of plagues, of dearths, or seasons' quality; Nor can I fortune to brief minutes tell,Pointing to each his thunder, rain...
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Просмотр чисел:10 |Время:2024-09-16 17:00:09
Просмотр чисел:10 |Время:2024-09-16 17:00:09
Шекспир Сонет 6
Then let not winter's ragged hand defaceIn thee thy summer ere thou be distilled:Make sweet some vial; treasure thou some placeWith beauty's treasure ere it be self-killed:That use is not forbidden usuryWhich happies those that pay the...
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Просмотр чисел:6 |Время:2024-09-16 04:00:14
Просмотр чисел:6 |Время:2024-09-16 04:00:14
Шекспир Cонет 7. Перевод
Lo in the orient when the gracious light Lifts up his burning head, each under eye Doth homage to his new-appearing sight, Serving with looks his sacred majesty; And having climbed the steep-up heavenly hill, Resembling strong youth in...
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Просмотр чисел:6 |Время:2024-09-15 15:00:08
Просмотр чисел:6 |Время:2024-09-15 15:00:08