Jocker s issue

Soul in scars,
having no limit in maniac cruelty,
like a patient who enduring evil of charms,
like a rampage imposes and causes the bruises of harm
in a fullness of mentoring poetry.

How the wishes are sad,
troublesome and exhausting...
Time to time, I'm asking myself
- "why we definitly get used to hosting,
their miracle fakes and obsessions,
can't remember all past painfull questions (lessons),
own rebel broad-minded essence
with the whole paradoxical world?"

Mind was sold,
obfuscated the sight from the origin being.
All I cry like a poet mislayed,
and I wonder that loud salvational voice,
can not reach hopeless shelter of faith.

Vain predictions are swiftly combusting
Scrolls with wisdom obscurity dull,
Prosy laughter displaces miscasting
Entertainment has hold pedestal

Prays embossed on the rocks,
tough as if they were crafted from marble,
with the letters which children will play,
but they spend in reality doubt -
arcane cheats blocking furtherance way.

Deprivation of truth,
depreciate of a moral - condemnation.
How to cure deasease and survive?
All is easy my friend - comprehention,
wounded soul even than never die!

I'm going to start with the art,
utter words unredemptionly shining!
Stop controlling my mind and the thoughts,
tracking acts in a social profiling,
threat them well or forget in all aoths!

Web somehow is connected with sins,
which invisibly governs the croud.
Yield to fears so lustly within,
or in freedom salvationly shout!

Yeah, it's true when relief like a drug,
faces vivid attempts to surrender,
outsourcing a treasonous bug
(interacting) in interact with mysterious sender.

Still unknown the address of god,
gods them many to count for years
but the listerner hears the thought
even with tightly sealed blessing ears.

whose the soul
and what mission it constantly bears?
if the shell it's an obstacle wall,
after death who sincerely cares?

leave now or ask then youself for foresight
which will fall on the head like a thunder
to enlighted the business like ash
no one wants it to steal and to plunder.

How to clear the right over rights
sense of debt after universe programm
and at last iron will to apply
to create simple paragon dogma?

who judges foes,
it'a a pity to see bleeding face
choke your soul in injustice and horror,
terror might occupy the hole world,
but already who ruling - so sorrow...

they are switched to destruction
self-interest chasing,
misadventures of nation despite,
they are only a sick corporation -
fags and bastards with ransoming might.

All agreements are obvious treason,
that corrupting officials from top,
and from bottom, there's no gready reason
voting turns into voices shop.

How the choice is misty without fair playing,
law enslaves us without a wish,
humans, humans the orders consiled with doorwaying,
and your brains for today are first dish.

Zombies wander on sales to discounting market
advertising consumption rubs hands,
I appeal - dear customer, cauntion!
They are starting the prises to bend!

Many evil events are about to happen,
I'm not kidding, they awful as likely as not,
-"test the newest of our samples",
it's a marketing seize - global plot.

Fascinating and folding confessions
pierces deep very heart of the speech
that adorable our officials
knack the taxes so handily snitch.

Crooks and thieves are in honor and prosper
mister putin is a bold proamerican bitch
in consern really hopping in gospel
cossacs's union started to twitch.

Splendid news - legal status of russians is absent,
with it's tolerant spirit and might,
the idea of national freedom
all is chill, there's no one to fight!
Rebel now, when you still have a crumb of the pride!

Предыдущий: Post pluvo
Следующий: Сказочка о сияющей свободе - Волшебная Земля -