The mirror of time

Walking through the empty hall
across the wrecked walls
destroyed sculptures and columns,
remnants of pictures and arras
- time is an enemy, merciless.

Approaching the only object of permanence -
the magic mirror over the throne.
The ancient castle lies in ruins
none of the living can remember
the mighty king and his sharp sword.

But look into the mirror -
you’ll see the finest castle
and decuman army led
by the young ambitious prince of forcefulness.
The blessed kingdom in the golden days.

- Day after day you see in the mirror
- happy days that passing by
- to fall into the dark abyss of oblivion.

Many years have passed -
the prince turned into a king
You see in the mirror – he got his crown.
With sharpest sword and mind fearlessness,
he starts the kingdom to enlarge.

By adding domens and vicinities,
Without fear and merciful,
He was tirelessly achieving -
The richest country, full treasury,
opulent people, plentiful fields and forests.

Nobody noticed the only thing they’ve lost -
the Holy Blessing of Almighty God -
that started an era of decay.
The great king turned into a tyrant -
his mind is larcenous, the sword is harmfulness,
the army is waning every day.

- Day by day you see in the mirror
- happy days that passing by
- to fall into the dark abyss of oblivion.

No way to pray, no way to find forgiveness,
no chance to change the past
and start to believe and trust – in God.
Among disrupted walls and over blasted throne
the only mirror could recall
a long-forgotten time of the king and kingdom.

Предыдущий: Першы верш
Следующий: Як фiнал боротьби з собою