Сиреневый туман

The lilac curling mist has covered all the ground...
The lilac curling mist has shrouded the moon...
The last and sad adieu... Oh, what a plaintive sound!
The guard doesn’t hurry me ; he sees I’m leaving soon.

You’re looking in my eyes, your gaze is full of sorrow...
I’m waiting for the bell, but it will be my bane.
Ill fate is parting us, you won’t see me tomorrow,
And, surely ; I know ; I won’t see you again!

The night has covered us ; there will be no morning...
The lilac curling mist... It overfills my brain!
One moment till the bell ; and I’ll be rushing forward,
The lilac curling mist will spin behind my train.

I don’t have time to speak... It’s ending so quickly!
The lilac midnight mist proceeds its slow curl...
Your eyes are so big, you’ve dropped your head so weakly!
The guard doesn’t hurry us ; he sees I leave my girl.

Предыдущий: I had got onto the first plane
Следующий: КартОф...