First Parting - by Sivan Har Shefi

Автор: Сиван Ар Шефи
Перевод с иврита Лены Рохлиной

I giving a name to the passing
Pishon Gihon Tigris Euphrates
That moves and flows and circles and flies
Living soul tiger swallow

I giving a name to the leaving and parting
Pishon Gihon Tigris Euphrates
That chirps and roars and lows and sings
Living soul cow swan

I giving a name to the watering and enveloping
Pishon Gihon Tigris Euphrates
With an olive in her mouth, milk in her nipples
Living soul dove dove cooing

And a name to the passing, flying, moving like yearning
She separating cut off like a bird from ground
Missing and lowing suckling and enveloping
Lost like a river like a cub
Like a chick from the nest of my ribs

She going while I calling
Woman –

лето 2010

Предыдущий: Дослонвый перевода Эзопа
Следующий: Матиас Клаудиус. Исчезнувшая звезда. С немецкого