The river

The river, as a fountain of my life,
Merges with the boundless ocean.
There is a ship. Its captain name is Moonlove.
Its aim to shine my own emotions.
You must admire all the world,
Which teaches streams to sing,
Which hugs itself, remembering you,
Forgetting all pain, which we bring.
Don't reject that instant gentle,
When the river kisses shore,
And thunder-storm splits the sky,
Expecting universal store.
Even the hope blossoms round you,
Clearing up the whole night.
The childhood laughs in this spirit.
Don’t forget this magic site!
Don't reject that instant gentle,
When the river kisses pales,
When the ship with Moony captain
Straighten its dramatic sails…

Предыдущий: Я не жалкую...
Следующий: Хийра поацолг