Day and Night 2

I lived at nights and did not know -
I haven't seen the lights before.

Your shiny days were full and bright,
So you forgot the soul of night.

And all the ways were clear and blind,
And we would never cross the line.

But there's a moment in twilight
When spirits dared to gain insight.

There was a moment in sunset.
When our future has been set.

Your smile can take me out of gloom!
My heart will take you to the moon!

I can go on without a clue,
But now I want to be with you.

And you can glow without me,
But now together we'll be free.

We will create eternity!

Предыдущий: Огородное чучело и сорока Плашило и сврака
Следующий: Вiртуальнi псевдонiми