16h. said rachel to joe, unisex

Said Rachel to Joe, 'UNISEX'*
He answered, 'Perhaps, you need sex!'*
She said, 'U-N-I!'*
Joe grinned, 'U'n'I?
You bet we could do that, you hex!'

*'Unisex' is close to 'you need sex' and 'u'n'i' means 'You'n'I' (you and I). Rachel emphasised the three letters of one word 'unisex' whereas Joe went another way. The storyline is from the 'Friends' TV-show.

dated October 19-th, 2012

Предыдущий: Трыпцiх Максiму Багдановiчу
Следующий: 19h. A sorrowful girl named Annette