The Man in the Overcoat and the Rain. Part 2
Перевод "Человек в Пальто и Дождь".Часть 2.Чей секрет секретнее? Автор: Леля Эн.
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The Man in the Overcoat and the Rain.Part 2.
Whose secret is more "secret" one?
“These two are odd fishes, actually. Where did they go round together?”- the Rain thought.
While thinking this point over, he couldn’t help asking them about it and finally gave in:
“Where have you been?”
“And which way do YOU usually walk around?”-the Man in the overcoat answered back.
“It’s a secret,”- the Rain said.
“Well, in this case…We also have a secret,”-the second Man wearing overcoat replied.
“We too,”- echoed the first Man in the coat.
“It can’t possibly be so between close friends! It’s the wrong way of friendship!”-the Rain felt aggrieved.
“The real friends have no secrets at all,”-added the first Man in the overcoat.”They have nothing to hide from each other!”
The Rain said no more. He kept silently falling down , raining near by.
He kept thinking this point over. He thought:”Will it be right if he tells them the way he usually goes..Actually, this is his secret, isn’t it?”
But after a while he realized, that these two MEN wearing overcoats were really his very good friends. At least one of them, anyway. It meant they did deserve confidence. His secrets ’re worth sharing ..
Pulling himself together, the Rain was about to tell them everything..But then it occurred to him, all of a sudden, that he didn’t know WHAT to say. He didn’t possibly know how to tell them his secret. They wouldn’t be able to understand him.
“They can’t possibly leak into the ground and sand, flow into the rivers and streams, can they? They can’t possibly draw pathways and walks on the window panes, bubble over the puddles and gurgle in the pools …
“I know you are my friends,”- the Rain started.”But I don’t know HOW to tell you about it..”
“Try to tell us.. What do you feel like..What do your feelings look like..What are your feelings like..Just tell us..And that’s all .And we’ll listen to you trying to catch you..We are good friends, aren’t we?”-the first Man in the overcoat said.
“We’ll try to understand you, really..And if we don’t understand anything, anyway, we’ll give an ear to you, no doubt..And then we’ll tell you our secrets,”- the second Man wearing overcoat promised.
”Right you are,”-the Rain thought. Thick-and thin friends often tell each other something about, just .. at ease, just sharing something of their own with each other. This very process of sharing is very important to them. So, he ought to try..He must try to share his secret with them..He should tell them..
Оригинал можно прочитать:
The Man in the Overcoat and the Rain.Part 2.
Whose secret is more "secret" one?
“These two are odd fishes, actually. Where did they go round together?”- the Rain thought.
While thinking this point over, he couldn’t help asking them about it and finally gave in:
“Where have you been?”
“And which way do YOU usually walk around?”-the Man in the overcoat answered back.
“It’s a secret,”- the Rain said.
“Well, in this case…We also have a secret,”-the second Man wearing overcoat replied.
“We too,”- echoed the first Man in the coat.
“It can’t possibly be so between close friends! It’s the wrong way of friendship!”-the Rain felt aggrieved.
“The real friends have no secrets at all,”-added the first Man in the overcoat.”They have nothing to hide from each other!”
The Rain said no more. He kept silently falling down , raining near by.
He kept thinking this point over. He thought:”Will it be right if he tells them the way he usually goes..Actually, this is his secret, isn’t it?”
But after a while he realized, that these two MEN wearing overcoats were really his very good friends. At least one of them, anyway. It meant they did deserve confidence. His secrets ’re worth sharing ..
Pulling himself together, the Rain was about to tell them everything..But then it occurred to him, all of a sudden, that he didn’t know WHAT to say. He didn’t possibly know how to tell them his secret. They wouldn’t be able to understand him.
“They can’t possibly leak into the ground and sand, flow into the rivers and streams, can they? They can’t possibly draw pathways and walks on the window panes, bubble over the puddles and gurgle in the pools …
“I know you are my friends,”- the Rain started.”But I don’t know HOW to tell you about it..”
“Try to tell us.. What do you feel like..What do your feelings look like..What are your feelings like..Just tell us..And that’s all .And we’ll listen to you trying to catch you..We are good friends, aren’t we?”-the first Man in the overcoat said.
“We’ll try to understand you, really..And if we don’t understand anything, anyway, we’ll give an ear to you, no doubt..And then we’ll tell you our secrets,”- the second Man wearing overcoat promised.
”Right you are,”-the Rain thought. Thick-and thin friends often tell each other something about, just .. at ease, just sharing something of their own with each other. This very process of sharing is very important to them. So, he ought to try..He must try to share his secret with them..He should tell them..