When sadness bothers me too much

Стихотворение "Когда моя бездонная тоска"
(автор - Татьяна Крыжановская)
в вольном переводе Татьяны-Валентины Мамоновой
на английский язык:

When sadness
bothers me too much
I notice how light
is the word,
it just becomes divine.
I see and touch
all love on our Earth
and know
I can do it,
I can do it.
My blood's on fire
and suddenly it stops
as if I reached
the skies and the clouds.
All goes through me
and rhymes flow up.
A highest fire
takes me above
and I am yet
the Poetry myself.

Предыдущий: I don t know who is speaking here
Следующий: Velimir Khlebnikov. The freedom is entering naked