If love is...

If love is just a fairy tale,
A kind of sad and painful art,
When there are scars and rusty nails
Across your poisoned soul and heart,

Where are those holy peaceful lands
Without bloody end and crime?
And all I see now are my hands,
Stigmated with forgotten time.

In needless suffering and hate
My blood is dancing with my tears.
This may become my endless fate
To watch those who forgot their fears.

Our time is running in its chain;
It doesn’t matter what’s above
Those memories that you remain
In steps that are behind the Love

Will be forever here to stay.
Whenever we would like or not,
We are to pay we have to pay.
I gave you everything I’d got,

But that small ray of shining might
You used to be for me, is dead.
Your beauty and eternal light
Was all I’ve ever wished to get.

This used to be a simple sign
In crucifixion that I’ve found
The only sorrow is that my
Tears are not yours on my deep wounds.

But time’s still running in its chain,
And doesn’t matter what’s above.
The memories are to remain
In steps of our forgotten love.

Предыдущий: Revelation of broken heart
Следующий: Memories