
Probably I could love You eternally,
Truly, faithfully tenderly…
Probably, others might be denied
For that sole unforgettable night.

I won’t say: “I will come along,
To the edge, where you’ll be alone”.
But I’ll take your sorrows away,
And I’ll straighten the hopeful sail.

Just grown older, and not a girl,
Now -a queen with an aching soul,
But my look is still frank and kind,
Though I’m quit now and left behind.

I won’t torture You anyway,
I won’t open my lips to pray.
But I wonder who really knows:
Is my battle finally lost?

Trusting you is over. And what?
You will cry after having laugh…
Trembling body kiss…fire and ice.
And no thrill, no breath otherwise!!

Am I cold like the autumn trees?
Am I hot like the desert breeze?
You expected me to respond?
Now and ever: I love no one.

And, quenched up at last with your love,
Facing your desires all alone,
Walk the clear oceans, my man
Quiet and enlightened. Amen.

Предыдущий: Солнце - ангел
Следующий: Сборище Любителей Джон Китс