Юджин 5

Свадебная трель
WEDDING WHISSTLEThough you know it anyhowListen to me, darling, now,Proving what I need not proveHow I know I lave you, love.Near and far, near and far,I am happy where you are;Likewise, I have never learntH...
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Просмотр чисел:7 |Время:2024-12-08 00:00:09
Просмотр чисел:7 |Время:2024-12-08 00:00:09

Городские джунгли
CITY GREENERYIf you happen after darkTo find yourself in Central Park,Ignore the paths that beckon youAnd hurry, hurry to zoo,And creep into the tiger’s lair.Frankly, you’ll be safer there,OGDEN NASH ОГД...
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Просмотр чисел:7 |Время:2024-12-07 22:00:07
Просмотр чисел:7 |Время:2024-12-07 22:00:07

THE KISS.“I saw you take his kiss!” “‘T is true.”“O modesty!” “‘T was strictly kept:He thought me asleep: at least, I knewHe thought I thought he thought I slept.”(Coventry Patmore )“Я видел, он поцеловал”!...
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Просмотр чисел:12 |Время:2024-12-06 04:00:09
Просмотр чисел:12 |Время:2024-12-06 04:00:09

По каналам свежих червоточин...
______________________________________199 По каналам свежих червоточинВ сердцевине яблока раздора,В месиве крахмала, без обочинБьётся тело жирного затора,А машины в глянцевом хитине –В крапину родимую Вальхаллы…...
Сортировать:Стихи без рубрики | Ярлык:Алексей Бриллиантов
Просмотр чисел:6 |Время:2024-11-17 02:00:10
Просмотр чисел:6 |Время:2024-11-17 02:00:10

Баллада о анти-пуританине
They spoke of Progress spring round.Of Light and Mrs. Humphry Ward-It is not true to say I frowned.Or ran about the room and roared;I might have simply sat and snored-I rose politely in the clubAnd said, " I feed a little...
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Просмотр чисел:22 |Время:2024-11-16 18:00:09
Просмотр чисел:22 |Время:2024-11-16 18:00:09

Между днями рождения
BETWEEN BIRTHDAYMy birthday so long to start,They come along a year apart.It’s worse than waiting for a bus;I fear I used to fret and fuse,But now, when by impatience vexedBetween one birthday and the next,I think of all th...
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Просмотр чисел:11 |Время:2024-11-16 14:00:08
Просмотр чисел:11 |Время:2024-11-16 14:00:08

The sorrows of werther
Werther had a love CharlotteSuch as words could never utter;Would you know first he met her?She was cutting bread and butter.Charlotte was a married lady,And a moral man was Werther.And for all the wealth of Indies,Would do...
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Просмотр чисел:9 |Время:2024-11-16 08:00:11
Просмотр чисел:9 |Время:2024-11-16 08:00:11

The Microbe is so very smallYou cannot make him out at all.But many sanguine people hopeTo see him through a microscope.His jointed tongue that lies beneathA hundred curious rows of teeth;His seven tufted tails with lotsOf...
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Просмотр чисел:11 |Время:2024-11-16 05:00:18
Просмотр чисел:11 |Время:2024-11-16 05:00:18

JUST A DIFFERENCEPatsy the Peke on a satin seatWhenever I come alongLooks at me with disdainful eyesAs if I were doing wrong.Patsy won’t let me stroke her fur.I think it is unfair of her!Sandy the sheep-dog in his kennel...
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Просмотр чисел:7 |Время:2024-11-16 04:00:09
Просмотр чисел:7 |Время:2024-11-16 04:00:09

JUST A DIFFERENCEPatsy the Peke on a satin seatWhenever I come alongLooks at me with disdainful eyesAs if I were doing wrong.Patsy won’t let me stroke her fur.I think it is unfair of her!Sandy the sheep-dog in his kennel...
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Просмотр чисел:0 |Время:2024-11-16 04:00:09
Просмотр чисел:0 |Время:2024-11-16 04:00:09