Courage, А. Ахматова

"Мужество" Анны Ахматовой в переводе К.Измалковой

We know, what's thrown into the scale,
What's being done, when morals pale
The courage's hour! Again the mass!
For courage won't abandon us.

We don't fear to lay dying from this fire,
Be left without a roof above our heads...
The greatest Russian language, you inspire
With vigor! We will guard you by our deads.
Our duty is to hand you down for scions
We'll set you free, keep you as pure as diamonds —
Once and for all!

Предыдущий: Уильям Блейк - Потерянный ребенок
Следующий: Уильям Эрнест Хенли. Здесь моя жатва