Bloody Idol

By thousands you killed
And those who staying in pain
For joy of yours paying with blood.
With blood you spilled
Eclipse of the sun
In souls of sufferers
Hunted by love.

With blood of people
You killed
You sprinkled
Hairs and hands.
Forever scarlet being
Inscribed by chaos.
Forever to burn
Inscribed by voice.

Like bloody idol,
Equal your beauty.
Spilling with blood
They're worship to you.
Stone sacrificial
Is sprinking till blood
For you being happy
For having your love.

Like bloody idol
Require for victims.
Overed your happiness otherwise.
By a new blood feeds the idol.
With new victim comes a new glory.
It does not matter that wounded is dead.
It does not matter, still cold the marble.

New death - new rebirth.
Seems like the fate is to walk under corpse.
I would ask you ascend into heaven,
If won't I believed in hell would be a place?


Original text on Russian:

Предыдущий: Билли Коллинз. Любовь без цели
Следующий: Билли Коллинз. Наука утопать