With tenderness of spring

Стихотворение "Лучом весенней нежности"
(автор - Татьяна Крыжановская)
в вольном переводе Татьяны-Валентины Мамоновой
на английский язык:

With tenderness of spring
I touch your soul,
and with nostalgia
I watch your calm beauty.
My dreams
reveal that much -
what I can't say with words.
My admiration
sets today
in deepest thoughts
about love and friendship.
You are my pearl -
I told you once, and you still are.
I give my ardor, all to you -
I give you stars,
my goddess -
do you see then our future?
Your image is forever
in my heart.

Предыдущий: Рождественские колокола
Следующий: Ричард Олдингтон. Images. Лесбия