To Gergiev About Wagner

They insulted me and Wagner,
at Mariinsky yesterday,
there was no sound
of Wagner's fire there.

Where are his fogs
where his stone wall?
only four ugly idols
lie on the stage's floor.

Where is his greatness?
scale of forces and wonders?
wave of the exhortation
from heaven angel's trumpets?

where is his seething abyss?
where his lion's roar,
mingling of the singing
with tenderness that oveflows?

Where is his light bird,
alluring to soul, inside,
even the violon solo
is earthly, you cannot fly.

All the notes sound even.
Just a musical fabric.
why was he called 'primitive' -
I understand now.

But he will sound primitive
only if you play him like this.
tone without asperity -
How 'Onegin', your mother.

and I see Russian field
rather than soul's sky.
Such amount of pain,
that I went home at nine!

intonations were spoiled,
orchestra sounded dull.
Singers sang with Russian softness,
No claim to how they sang.

Claims are to you, Gergiev!
Did you understand Wagner?
and why, instead of good staging
instead of fine - you show ugly?

What do you bring to people?
It's disgusting to look at this show.
I'll say 'Thank you' only to Internet:
And will listen to him at home.

For money - I have no pity:
As charity - let it be so.
But you are playing for children,
and Wagner is not an idiot.

He might be offended from heaven,
In yesterday play - it was NOT him!
I always merge with him easily,
yesterday - there was no contact!

Wagner is my happiness,
symbol of heavenly love.
I want you to play him right, cause
'Excuse me' - is not enough.

Предыдущий: Martialis I-22
Следующий: Горизонт... Санна Карлстрём