The Lonely Sunday

In the sleepless nights ..... I keep remembering your dazzling smile

Like a crescent moon birth .....swimming in the sky

Wondering the moon smile.....when new baby born should cry

An innocent soul that taught a wingless white dove how to fly

A cheerful spirit that gently sits everywhere but hard to buy

Her footsteps rarely seen passing by

But her presence, the universe she occupy

She is a remarkable moon shinning when darkness falls, I can rely

Wherever she walks or sits, her fragrance is spreading by

To the world, even the far oceans can smell and not deny

The Rose and Jasmine stepped down, Are we true or a lie?

Have you looked to the mirror in her eye

That is where elderly constantly stare at, they become juvenile

When her words kissing the air, it purify

I've been deported to her heart, what a gorgeous exile!!

A fancy jail of her braided hair was made, I want to be forever and awhile

The Lonely Sunday misses her shadows, as nectar to butterfly

Hallway flowers are blooming tears, awaiting her coming by

She finally came by and what a coming by

Talking to her, until seeing golden tears floating by

From both eye

Overshadowing the beauty of her blue eyes sky

And scarifying her rosy cheeks without justify

Never thought that rivers of sadness are nearby

And the cloud of worries is hidden but intensify

I pray always that her sadness disappears and not multiply

As much as trees longing for her delicate lean, for branches to magnify

May love, peace and happiness always be your ally

foto from internet

Предыдущий: Владимир Самийленко. Сон
Следующий: Я не смог укротить свой нрав. Зоран Богнар