For the First Time

For the First Time.

Once in the city I studied,
I walked down along the sidewalk.
It was late autumn.
A strong wind mixed up with rain,
Tearing off the remaining leaves on the trees.
Near the curb passed the vehicles,
Overtaking each other and splashing puddles.
Dark clouds hanged over me, it seemed
I could touch them.
Everything was gloomy and dreary.
At that moment I felt a strong rush of blood to the heart.
I stopped.
And not knowing what was happening
Began examining all around me.
Wet leaves stuck to me.
Wind whipped the rain into my face…
The flow of water from under the wheels
Сovered me heavily
Up to head…
My heart pounded even more in the chest.
I felt like my blood is pouring over the whole body
And is about to gush from my eyes.
Suddenly I felt happy,
Exciting and jealously –
I understood: - I’m in love!..
A great desire to shout from delight overwhelmed me.
To shout that all would hear and see me.
I walked along the road, filled with emotions.
I‘m in love!.. I’m in love!
I fell in love with you – my Kiev!!!

V. Onischenko

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