Две бочки - пер. басни И. А. Крылова

Two tuns
The fable
by Ivan Andreevich Krylov

Two tuns were going:
One - full with wine. The other - empty.

So first - was slow, going
without noise,
The second - rushed, as from the bow arrow,
And after her the knock, the thunder are heard,
And dust is rising up in cloud.

The passer-by in fear goes aside
In moment, when he'd just heard her from the distance.
But, know, even if her size is large,
And it is loud much, she's useless, really,
Compared with the first one tun.
Thus, who is shouting aloud of affairs
All day long, may be useless there
In practice. The true worker's silent,
Though he is great in his desires,
Without noise he reaches a success.

Предыдущий: Мельница поэзии Арлет Ом-Шабер Перев. с франц
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