Из Роберта Геррика. H-842. На Ханча
H-842. На Ханча
Недавно он жену похоронил,
И плачет так, что выбился из сил.
Но горе, может, мнимое? Кто знает…
Ведь плачут и от радости, бывает.
842. Upon Hanch a Schoolmaster. Epig.
Hanch, since he lately did inter his wife,
He weeps and sighs, as weary of his life.
Say, is't for real grief he mourns? not so;
Tears have their springs from joy, as well as woe.
Недавно он жену похоронил,
И плачет так, что выбился из сил.
Но горе, может, мнимое? Кто знает…
Ведь плачут и от радости, бывает.
842. Upon Hanch a Schoolmaster. Epig.
Hanch, since he lately did inter his wife,
He weeps and sighs, as weary of his life.
Say, is't for real grief he mourns? not so;
Tears have their springs from joy, as well as woe.