We re the Army. R. Rozhdestvensky
We're the Army of the People
Lyrics by Robert Rozhdestvensky
(Music by G. Movsesyan)
We're at our post, by platoons and companies we stand -
Immortal like fire. Composed like granite.
We're the Army of the country. We're the Army of the people.
Our great feat of arms is retained in history.
No wonder our banner shows red in our destiny.
No wonder our country relies on us.
The sacred words "Moscow's right behind us!"
Are engraved upon our memory since the battle of Borodino.
Our Fathers entrusted to us an all-conquering weapon.
We've sworn an oath to our Motherland.
And the only service we devote our lives to is
To shield the future of the Earth from extermination.
It's no use scaring us and boasting arrogantly,
You shouldn't threaten us and play with fire again.
After all, if the enemies dare to test our strength,
We'll break them of such trials forever.
Translated by Larissa Izergina
Перевод Ларисы Изергиной
Source: ?Мы - армия народа? Слова: Роберт Рождественский (Музыка: Г. Мовсесян)
Abstract: Lyrics of the patriotic song sung by the military orchestra at the final part of the military parade on the Red Square in Moscow on May 9, 2015 (Interlinear translation from Russian into English of the poem by Robert Rozhdestvensky "We're the Army of the People")
Аннотация: Текст патриотической песни, исполненной военным оркестром в заключительной части военного парада на Красной площади в Москве 9 мая 2015 года (Подстрочник к стихотворению Роберта Рождественского ?Мы - армия народа?. Перевод с русского языка на английский)
Lyrics by Robert Rozhdestvensky
(Music by G. Movsesyan)
We're at our post, by platoons and companies we stand -
Immortal like fire. Composed like granite.
We're the Army of the country. We're the Army of the people.
Our great feat of arms is retained in history.
No wonder our banner shows red in our destiny.
No wonder our country relies on us.
The sacred words "Moscow's right behind us!"
Are engraved upon our memory since the battle of Borodino.
Our Fathers entrusted to us an all-conquering weapon.
We've sworn an oath to our Motherland.
And the only service we devote our lives to is
To shield the future of the Earth from extermination.
It's no use scaring us and boasting arrogantly,
You shouldn't threaten us and play with fire again.
After all, if the enemies dare to test our strength,
We'll break them of such trials forever.
Translated by Larissa Izergina
Перевод Ларисы Изергиной
Source: ?Мы - армия народа? Слова: Роберт Рождественский (Музыка: Г. Мовсесян)
Abstract: Lyrics of the patriotic song sung by the military orchestra at the final part of the military parade on the Red Square in Moscow on May 9, 2015 (Interlinear translation from Russian into English of the poem by Robert Rozhdestvensky "We're the Army of the People")
Аннотация: Текст патриотической песни, исполненной военным оркестром в заключительной части военного парада на Красной площади в Москве 9 мая 2015 года (Подстрочник к стихотворению Роберта Рождественского ?Мы - армия народа?. Перевод с русского языка на английский)