Сонеты из Китая II - Оден У. Х
Запретный? Почему? - они гадали.
Он знаний новых им не преподнес.
Но гордецы и виду не подали
И отповедь не приняли всерьез.
Они ушли. И тут же все забыли.
И мир привычный непонятным стал:
Собаки им, как прежде, не служили,
Ручей советов больше не давал.
В чужой земле свободны и одни,
Они ругались, плакали они,
К такому не готовы повороту.
Их жизнь опасней стала во сто крат,
И ангел отрезал пути назад
Законодателю и стихоплету.
Sonnets from China - W.H.Auden
They wondered why the fruit had been forbidden:
It taught them nothing new. They hid their pride,
But did not listen much when they were chidden:
They knew exactly what to do outside.
They left. Immediately the memory faded
Of all they known: they could not understand
The dogs now who before had always aided;
The stream was dumb with whom they'd always planned.
They wept and quarrelled: freedom was so wild.
In front maturity as he ascended
Retired like a horizon from the child,
The dangers and the punishments grew greater,
And the way back by angels was defended
Against the poet and the legislator.
Он знаний новых им не преподнес.
Но гордецы и виду не подали
И отповедь не приняли всерьез.
Они ушли. И тут же все забыли.
И мир привычный непонятным стал:
Собаки им, как прежде, не служили,
Ручей советов больше не давал.
В чужой земле свободны и одни,
Они ругались, плакали они,
К такому не готовы повороту.
Их жизнь опасней стала во сто крат,
И ангел отрезал пути назад
Законодателю и стихоплету.
Sonnets from China - W.H.Auden
They wondered why the fruit had been forbidden:
It taught them nothing new. They hid their pride,
But did not listen much when they were chidden:
They knew exactly what to do outside.
They left. Immediately the memory faded
Of all they known: they could not understand
The dogs now who before had always aided;
The stream was dumb with whom they'd always planned.
They wept and quarrelled: freedom was so wild.
In front maturity as he ascended
Retired like a horizon from the child,
The dangers and the punishments grew greater,
And the way back by angels was defended
Against the poet and the legislator.