Коль о стылой почве печься

Коль о стылой почве печься,
вспашкой вешня мерзлота.

(Судя по примечанию из Архива ЭД
"Lost, transcribed by Susan Dickinson",
это ей, Сью, и предназначалось.
Подтекст явно любовный, так и перевёл,
хотя Прист - об оранжерее.)
[David Preest:
Emily probably refers to the winter flowers which
she cultivated in her conservatory. There may also
be the thought that, if we were to look at it aright,
we could be as exhilarated by the winter as by the spring.]

Winter under cultivation by Emily Dickinson

Winter under cultivation
Is as arable as Spring.

Предыдущий: Пьер Реверди. Облачный фронт
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