We are all one

We are all one on this planet wandering like a lost soul,
We are all one, no matter how you spin it,
One seed, one star shines for us,
And it is nothing we can change because that's fate;

We are all one in our years, and toils, and idleness,
Inside and outside the stream of time,
Both in a sorrow and in unconstrained celebration,
We are a whole and the essence of everything;

We are all one, not to be torn asunder,
Because it has been decided since creation,
And only passions spark in smoke,
In smoke-illusion, that there is a bottom somewhere.

But there is neither bottom nor edge in the moments
Of space-time, only the strand is
Fine web doubt network it
Eclipses windows of the clear soul.

23 August 2014 (Belgrade, porch of the Church of St. Mark, dusk, thunderstorm.)
PS: перевод сделан при содействии Петра Оринича

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