Пурпур - моден дважды Эмили Дикинсон

Эмили Дикинсон

Пурпур - моден дважды -
В эту года пору,
И когда душа себя

Перевод с английского Сергей Лузан



Purple -- is fashionable twice --
This season of the year,
And when a soul perceives itself
To be an Emperor.

Poem 980 F896 ‘Purple – is fashionable twice’
‘This season of the year’ is presumably spring. When she described the coming of
spring in poem 140 Emily wrote that a ‘Tyrian light’ the village fills, ancient Tyre being famous for its purple dye. She also said in the same poem that spring was the season of ‘a purple finger [of the violet] on the slope.’

Tyre геогр., ист. город-гос-во Тир (в Финикии, совр. г. Сур в Ливане)

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