M. Kochetkov - 2 verses, Sad romance
Source: Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCwp7KeK55o
* * *
I didn't exchange my talent for the greens.
I didn't drink away my homeland,
"He is a patriot!" - My enemy thinks.
I'd say, "I'm an unlucky businessman!"
* * *
No, Russia can't be understood by mind,
nor smelled by nose, not heard by the ear.
You can't give it a hug of any kind,
You even cannot touch it with your finger.
You neither can see Russia with your eye
Nor take it like a pill or like a shower.
It feels more similar to an orgasm
In subway, with hangover, at rush hour.
* * * Sad romance * * *
It’s sad to wake up in the night, all alone,
And see that all those who need you are gone.
And you are in trouble, and skinny as Hamlet,
You come to the kitchen, and make you an omelet.
It’s sad to sit down and, chewing eggshells,
Realize that your life has no taste, no smells,
You’re out of business; you’re out of mood,
Your omelet is way under-salted and burnt...
How hard it’s to be uninvited guest
From the birth all the way to the coffin.
How bad is that thing – total loneliness!
And it leads to madhouse too often.
It’s hard to get up after a stormy night,
And find your wife mad and ready to fight,
Your children are noisy, like trumps in subway,
Your head and stomach are burning again.
And then you, somehow surviving the toilet,
Are getting not salted and burnt scrambled omelet,
And scream of your wife and your kids having fun
Show you that you’re needed here to no one.
Where, where is my youth, living happily?
Where's blessed time when I was single yet?
Since it looks like your life in a family
Now is leading you straight to the death...
But in our yard there are few homeless.
They are an example of real happiness.
They sleep like a log
In the bushes somewhere;
They live where they want
And with whom — they don’t care.
Of course, in a winter they suffer bad weather,
But here high-rises have attics and basements.
With nothing in hearts, and with freedom of mind,
And nobody needs them from all humankind.
I’m always getting things easily.
I inher’ted a pretty smart head.
But the life, for some reason,
Is so confusingly schizo –
It is hard for me to understand...
* * *
I didn't exchange my talent for the greens.
I didn't drink away my homeland,
"He is a patriot!" - My enemy thinks.
I'd say, "I'm an unlucky businessman!"
* * *
No, Russia can't be understood by mind,
nor smelled by nose, not heard by the ear.
You can't give it a hug of any kind,
You even cannot touch it with your finger.
You neither can see Russia with your eye
Nor take it like a pill or like a shower.
It feels more similar to an orgasm
In subway, with hangover, at rush hour.
* * * Sad romance * * *
It’s sad to wake up in the night, all alone,
And see that all those who need you are gone.
And you are in trouble, and skinny as Hamlet,
You come to the kitchen, and make you an omelet.
It’s sad to sit down and, chewing eggshells,
Realize that your life has no taste, no smells,
You’re out of business; you’re out of mood,
Your omelet is way under-salted and burnt...
How hard it’s to be uninvited guest
From the birth all the way to the coffin.
How bad is that thing – total loneliness!
And it leads to madhouse too often.
It’s hard to get up after a stormy night,
And find your wife mad and ready to fight,
Your children are noisy, like trumps in subway,
Your head and stomach are burning again.
And then you, somehow surviving the toilet,
Are getting not salted and burnt scrambled omelet,
And scream of your wife and your kids having fun
Show you that you’re needed here to no one.
Where, where is my youth, living happily?
Where's blessed time when I was single yet?
Since it looks like your life in a family
Now is leading you straight to the death...
But in our yard there are few homeless.
They are an example of real happiness.
They sleep like a log
In the bushes somewhere;
They live where they want
And with whom — they don’t care.
Of course, in a winter they suffer bad weather,
But here high-rises have attics and basements.
With nothing in hearts, and with freedom of mind,
And nobody needs them from all humankind.
I’m always getting things easily.
I inher’ted a pretty smart head.
But the life, for some reason,
Is so confusingly schizo –
It is hard for me to understand...