Людмила 31
Помните! - перевод Р. Рождественского
Remember!from the poem "Requem"by Robert RozhdestvenskyRemember!Through the ages, through years, -do remember!About those,who won't come ever, -remember!Don't burst into tears!In your throatkee...
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Просмотр чисел:21 |Время:2024-08-21 04:00:11
Просмотр чисел:21 |Время:2024-08-21 04:00:11
Музыка волн - перевод В. Цоя
Music of wavesby Victor TsoiI see the waves, washing away the steps on sand,I hear the wind, singing its song strange,I hear the strings of trees playing it -A music of waves, music of wind. Here it is hard to say, where is...
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Просмотр чисел:17 |Время:2024-08-20 05:00:10
Просмотр чисел:17 |Время:2024-08-20 05:00:10
Дерево - Tree - перевод В. Цоя
TreeBy Victor TsoiI know, my tree won't live any a week,I know, my tree in that city is sentenced to death.But I am all time with it:I'm tired of all the other affairs,I think, that it is my house here,I think it to be my c...
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Просмотр чисел:9 |Время:2024-08-20 05:00:10
Просмотр чисел:9 |Время:2024-08-20 05:00:10
Забывшие тебя - перевод А. Блока
Those, who forgot you.by Alexander BlokAnd hour had come. The time braided raincoat,The sword flashed brightly, walls opened out.And then I with a throng - after all going,Rushed into that hazy and bad height.But there afte...
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Просмотр чисел:8 |Время:2024-08-19 16:00:07
Просмотр чисел:8 |Время:2024-08-19 16:00:07
Е. Онегин, ч. 1, XXI - пер. А. С. Пушкина
Applauses tide. Onegin enters And goes over feet among the chairs,The double lorgnette he's aimingTo boxes with unknown ladies.He glances all the circles, ratherDespleased with their faces, garments;With men he is exchanging bows...
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Просмотр чисел:21 |Время:2024-08-19 07:00:09
Просмотр чисел:21 |Время:2024-08-19 07:00:09
Вокзальный силуэт - пер. М. Цветаевой
The railway station's silhouetteby Marina TsvetaevaI'm not familiar with you,And don't have a wish to lose,When I've learned the star illusions,With that face to the worser chasm assumed.All, who were marked by fate,Hav...
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Просмотр чисел:12 |Время:2024-08-18 21:00:10
Просмотр чисел:12 |Время:2024-08-18 21:00:10
Нет тебе имени... - пер. А. Блока
There's no name for you, my far love.In distance there laid ill mother.And nurse was bending there above,This nurse was - a silence.But happiness was uninitial either,Than any silence. The spring was coming.You then was coming...
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Просмотр чисел:16 |Время:2024-08-18 15:00:07
Просмотр чисел:16 |Время:2024-08-18 15:00:07
Тишина цветет... - перевод А. Блока
Here the silence's blossoming and movingThe heavy ship of soul mine.And wind, as dog obedient, is licking The canes on shore bent down aside.Here to quiet shoarliness a desireIs carring its heavy cargo ships.And sweet is poor ignor...
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Просмотр чисел:10 |Время:2024-08-18 14:00:08
Просмотр чисел:10 |Время:2024-08-18 14:00:08
Не вспоминайте... - перевод Дж. Байрона
Не вспоминайте и не напоминайтеМне о часах, что канули давно, Часах, когда душою предан был я Вам,Часы, которых не забыть; и лишь печальИ время унесут с собой судьбы зерноВ таинственную даль небытия...Могу забыть?..... А смог б...
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Просмотр чисел:13 |Время:2024-08-18 11:00:07
Просмотр чисел:13 |Время:2024-08-18 11:00:07
Ищу огней... - перевод А. Блока
I'm seeking lights - the lights to-passingInto your blackish witch's shed.The wetlands being so muddyTurn huge moon image to the red.Its double is floating in skyAbove the forest, coloured gold.And underneath - the demons flyTh...
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Просмотр чисел:14 |Время:2024-08-18 05:00:10
Просмотр чисел:14 |Время:2024-08-18 05:00:10