Людмила 31
Демон - ч. 1, XV -пер. М. Ю. Лермонтова
As thunder from the highest heavensThe punishment of god had fliedOn this, light-hearted before, family!Tamara bursted into cry,Tear after tear, breast hard breathing...But suddenly what she is hearing?As if the mystic voice is lou...
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Просмотр чисел:12 |Время:2024-08-11 16:00:07
Просмотр чисел:12 |Время:2024-08-11 16:00:07
Редеет облаков... - перевод А. С. Пушкина
The flying ridge of clouds is becoming thinner;The star sad, the star of this evening!Your silver light had lit the plains exhausted,The cliff's black tops, the gulf quiet dozing;I like your poor light there in heavens:It had awoken th...
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Просмотр чисел:15 |Время:2024-08-11 11:00:08
Просмотр чисел:15 |Время:2024-08-11 11:00:08
Московские окна -пер. М. Матусовского
Moscow windowsby Michail MatusovskyDo you see the skies are turning dark,And in twilight windows are light?Here all my friends do live,Gasping silently my breath,I'm looking into windows.I like dream, while gazing at th...
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Просмотр чисел:18 |Время:2024-08-11 05:00:08
Просмотр чисел:18 |Время:2024-08-11 05:00:08
Подмосковные вечера - пер. М. Матусовского
In the garden noises are hardly heard,Everything is silent till dawn.Do you know true,how dear nowTo me evenings in Moscow. River seems to be moving, or not so,As if made of silver of moon.And the song is heard, or is not at al...
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Просмотр чисел:14 |Время:2024-08-11 04:00:08
Просмотр чисел:14 |Время:2024-08-11 04:00:08
Скалолазка - перевод В. Высоцкого
1.I had asked you:"Why you climb the mountains?"You - itched to get top, and you -just wanted battle. "Look, Elbrus from plane you could see so well..."But you laughed at this, took me with yourself.And from this ti...
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Просмотр чисел:11 |Время:2024-08-10 14:00:12
Просмотр чисел:11 |Время:2024-08-10 14:00:12
Но тень... - РиЛ, п. 1, прод-е - пер. А. С. Пушкин
But shadow is covering the nature,It's now time to midnight dark, already;All boyars, by a sleep from honey captured, * Boyarin is the russian equivalent to lordAre leaving feast, bowing to all respectively. The bridegroom all filled with...
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Просмотр чисел:17 |Время:2024-08-10 11:00:07
Просмотр чисел:17 |Время:2024-08-10 11:00:07
В бесконечной дали коридоров... - пер. А. Блока
By Alexander BlokIn the endless distance of the corridorsIsn't that she, who's dancing far? Isn't that me, who was rended offBy a dispute while a music's around? Never you, people, could tell me anything, Nor you could find...
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Просмотр чисел:16 |Время:2024-08-10 09:00:08
Просмотр чисел:16 |Время:2024-08-10 09:00:08
Дела давн минувш дней... пер. А. С. Пушкина
Руслан и Людмила. Песнь первая.--(это про меня... Не удержалась, так захотелось попереводить...:)) Л.---Ruslan and LyudmilaThe first song.The old affairs of the old times,The tales of old days, that passed..........
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Просмотр чисел:13 |Время:2024-08-10 08:00:07
Просмотр чисел:13 |Время:2024-08-10 08:00:07
Унылый колокола звон... пер. М. Ю. Лермонтова
The melancholic toll of bellsAstounds me in evening hour...Unwillingly it does resembleIllusive hopes in my soul...And even wind - a traveller such singleWhile rustling over the cemetery grass,Could not cool something,, that is dee...
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Просмотр чисел:10 |Время:2024-08-10 08:00:07
Просмотр чисел:10 |Время:2024-08-10 08:00:07
Пойми же, я спутал... - пер. А. Блока
Please catch: I have mixed, I have changed allThe pages and lines of my verses,I've covered with raincoat your shoulders,Without a word I've remained...Please catch: in this twilight - as a wizardI do stay in front of you and waitB...
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Просмотр чисел:12 |Время:2024-08-10 01:00:06
Просмотр чисел:12 |Время:2024-08-10 01:00:06