
You are my first woman and you are my first man.
You and I - we are - androgyns, just like Balmont and Shelley.
Two whole skies - in thoughts. Not two halves of the sky.
Iridescent in splash in a vessel of heaven.

I have created you in spite of all redoubts.
And I sing silently in your currents through hands.
I think that gradually I'll learn all the way outs
And I will move a soul in alien dream's impasse!

Oh, my brother and my genius! Oh, my conscience!
The world's best story above all useless crypts and hides!
And my ascent to God was so beautiful, cogent,
That emeralds of hills are still burning in sights!

It is - forever! Remember. I do not need the second one -
It's a slap in God's face. (Passion is a thief's tire).
And I adore the sea that you discovered in me -
So go drink my sea - since you give birth and run it.

My husband, always cruel, righteous and harsh!
Or in a whim, as a gold fish in the sea - you're my wife.
Yin or yang in a sphere. It's such a sweet collision,
And two balls-vessels ghostly soaring in cohesion.

Предыдущий: Эмили Дикинсон 1052
Следующий: Юлия Федорчук. Бум!