The last autumn knows

(автор оригинала - Ю.Шевчук)

The last autumn knows no verses, no breathing,
The last honest songs are all left in the summer,
We gaze at the end of the life we've been living,
With fire and shadows replacing each other,
The last autumn knows!

A wild autumn wind's coming here and breaking
The chains we've been in at the dry dusty midnight,
All things that were pressing and playing, and faking
Are blown away through the opened window,
The last autumn knows!

Ah, Alexander Sergeyevich, dear,
Why didn't you leave us another true poem
With searching and hopes, your love and your fear,
With all that you knew in the end of last autumn,
The last autumn knows!

An old hungry sea has so easily taken
The tired grey sun, and behind the high clouds
You'll never remember, you'll never awaken,
You won't touch the grass through invisible bounds.

The last autumn orders the poets to follow,
There's no return, no way outside it,
We're left on our own with rainy tomorrow,
We're here with love and the stones revived,
The last autumn knows!

Предыдущий: Армия мертвецов
Следующий: Алесь Бадак. Чёрт. Перевод с белорусского