There s lying the night s mist on Georgia s hills
"На холмах Грузии лежит ночная мгла;
Шумит Арагва предо мною.
Мне грустно и легко; печаль моя светла;
Печаль моя полна тобою,
Тобой, одной тобой... Унынья моего
Ничто не мучит, не тревожит,
И сердце вновь горит и любит - оттого,
Что не любить оно не может."
There's lying the night's mist on Georgia's hills;
I hear the Aragva's sound splashed with noise before me.
I feel both sadness and the lightness in my soul and even grief
Is so light because my grief is full of you, of your soul the only...
My thoughts're about you as you're the only sorrow of thoughts,
But I'm easy on my mind as there is not
Either to be in tornment some or just to worry my low spirit,
And so I feel again heart fallen in love and full of fire in it,
Because it isn't able to live without love to hold.
(transl.from Russian)
Шумит Арагва предо мною.
Мне грустно и легко; печаль моя светла;
Печаль моя полна тобою,
Тобой, одной тобой... Унынья моего
Ничто не мучит, не тревожит,
И сердце вновь горит и любит - оттого,
Что не любить оно не может."
There's lying the night's mist on Georgia's hills;
I hear the Aragva's sound splashed with noise before me.
I feel both sadness and the lightness in my soul and even grief
Is so light because my grief is full of you, of your soul the only...
My thoughts're about you as you're the only sorrow of thoughts,
But I'm easy on my mind as there is not
Either to be in tornment some or just to worry my low spirit,
And so I feel again heart fallen in love and full of fire in it,
Because it isn't able to live without love to hold.
(transl.from Russian)