The princess-girl, the candlelight

//Перевод песни Декорации - Царевна-девочка-свеча
//на стихи Сергея Васильева
//Оригинал -

The princess-girl, the candlelight, you melt away, can you tell me -
For what of sin you take false tenderness instead of loving heart?
The fate will present you a draft of idle blathers. The treason causes
Your dreams to fall and break apart.

You shiver like a fragile tear, a thorn of rainbow in the silence
Of life itself. It hurts your breast, you don't remember all the pain
And joy for nothing. And your prince just looks like wolf at your light figure,
He drinks the wine, he turns insane.

The years have passed, and you became the girl, the princess and the candle.
Your waxing breath can't blur the glass, can't even frighten off the shrike.
You'll face the evil demon's case, you'll understand you have to handle
A sad oppression of dislike.

The truly rare and gifted one, you shall forgive without demanding
To shoot away the strayed souls and make their humble life retain
The only reason not to burn and keep this rolling world yet standing
Is you, not burning up again.

11 апреля 2016.

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