86. There was an Old Man of the West...
Жил в Нью-Йорке один Супермен,
Всем на свете помочь он хотел;
Но его, на макушке раскрутив как вертушку,
Излечили от личных проблем.
Edward Lear. A Book of Nonsense
There was an Old Man of the West,
Who never could get any rest;
So they set him to spin on his nose and chin,
Which cured that Old Man of the West.
Жил в Нью-Йорке один Супермен,
Всем на свете помочь он хотел;
Но его, на макушке раскрутив как вертушку,
Излечили от личных проблем.
Edward Lear. A Book of Nonsense
There was an Old Man of the West,
Who never could get any rest;
So they set him to spin on his nose and chin,
Which cured that Old Man of the West.