Все та же озерная гладь... - пер. А. Блока
A lake's plain - the same,
The salt from a cooler - the same dripping,
Now, when you're old and gone still,
What's about your pain?
May be your soul still is tempted
With your first love genius,
And you're engaged forever
With that passed unforgettable shadow?
Then you should call her - she'll come:
With a profile serious and important
And her voice - subtle and longing,
Will whisper words - the words of past.
June 1909
The salt from a cooler - the same dripping,
Now, when you're old and gone still,
What's about your pain?
May be your soul still is tempted
With your first love genius,
And you're engaged forever
With that passed unforgettable shadow?
Then you should call her - she'll come:
With a profile serious and important
And her voice - subtle and longing,
Will whisper words - the words of past.
June 1909