В лицо морозу я гляжу... - пер. О. Мандельштама
I'm looking in the face of frost alone:
He is - to nowhere, I'm - nowhere from,
A plain around is pressed, ironed out,
The living suface's any wrinkle without.
And sun is screwing it eyes in a starched poverty,
It's look is silent, and rather is consoling,
And that ten-valued woods are just the same as before...
The only snow is crackling in eyes, it is
Like the clean bread, so sinless...
16 Jan 1937
He is - to nowhere, I'm - nowhere from,
A plain around is pressed, ironed out,
The living suface's any wrinkle without.
And sun is screwing it eyes in a starched poverty,
It's look is silent, and rather is consoling,
And that ten-valued woods are just the same as before...
The only snow is crackling in eyes, it is
Like the clean bread, so sinless...
16 Jan 1937