Прощаюсь с Вами нехотя

Прощаюсь с Вами нехотя,
хоть не было и встреч,
чуралось сердце некогда,
к ним зов забыв изречь...

(Эмили - к Эбену Дженксу Тодду, отцу
Мейбл Лумис Тодд. (По совместительству,
он был американским астрономом.))
Подробности у Приста:
This poem begins a short note (L946) to Mr and Mrs E. J. Loomis,
the parents of Mrs Mabel Loomis Todd, sent to them when they were
leaving Amherst after a visit in the autumn of 1884. The note
ends with the words, ‘In all the circumference of Expression,
those guileless words of Adam and Eve never were surpassed,
“I was afraid and hid Myself.” (Genesis 3:10)
It looks as though Emily was afraid to meet Mrs Todd’s parents.
So she parts with them ‘reluctantly’ because they ‘have never met.’
She apologises by admitting that her Heart is ‘sometimes a Foreigner’
to hospitality, and that it only now ‘remembers [it] forgot’
to invite them.)

Parting with Thee reluctantly, by Emily Dickinson

Parting with Thee reluctantly,
That we have never met,
A Heart sometimes a Foreigner,
Remembers it forgot --

Предыдущий: Just the theme today - Invisible
Следующий: Words Of Comfort To Be Scratched On A Mirror -