Ступай, твой мягкий встретишь Свет

Ступай, твой мягкий встретишь Свет,
лишь нам он остр лучом,
влачимся мы чрез Тайну вброд...
А ты её - прыжком!

(Эмили - к Сью, на смерть Гилберта.)
[David Preest:
On 5 October 1883 Gilbert Dickinson, the eight-year-old son
of Austin and Sue, died of typhoid fever, caused through his
playing at a mud-hole. Vinnie wrote to friends that ‘Emily
received a nervous shock the night Gilbert died & was alarmingly
ill for weeks ….she was devoted to Gilbert and was there
the night of his death.’ But Emily was soon strong enough
to send a letter (L868) of consolation to Sue. This letter,
which Sewall calls ‘Perhaps the finest she ever wrote anybody,’
ends with poem 1564. Gilbert’s passing to immortality is without
a pang, apart from the pang for those who are still on the
journey. Emily sent the same poem two years later to Thomas
Higginson. It ended a letter (L972) thanking him for the gift
of a new biography of George Eliot written by J.W.Cross,
and in this context the poem refers to George Eliot.]

Pass to thy Rendezvous of Light, by Emily Dickinson

Pass to thy Rendezvous of Light,
Pangless except for us --
Who slowly ford the Mystery
Which thou hast leaped across!

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