Small light

1.Girl was seeing her soldier off
To the farthest front line,
At the dark night at poach steps
She could tell him goodbye,
And until could the fellow see
Through the foggy dark night
An the girl’s house window
There was burning small light.

2.And the fellow was friendly met
By front family there
There were comrades and there were friends,
They were lots everywhere,
But his native familiar street
Couldn’t get out of mind.
Where are you, oh my dear girl?
Where are you, my small light?

3.And his girlfriend from far away
Drops the soldier a line
That her sincere maidenly love
She believes never die,
Everything that was planned before
Would be done in its time
And until there won’t be blown
Our small golden light.

4.And there is lots of happiness
In the soldier’s heart
Due to nice simple letter
Of his girlfriend and love,
And he fights bitter enemy,
Fights it with all his might
For his soviet, his native land,
For his dear small light.

Предыдущий: Альбатрос. Альба Мерини. Перевод с италь
Следующий: Г. Зайдель 1842-1906. Сестрёнка, с нем