Все б тебе желать... - перевод А. Блока

And again you long for a fun
to fun,
Oh, hy heart, the gold of mine!
From a crapulence to other one,
From a freedom to other one -
Such a careless free life!

But is low much an earth cell,
Pale much is all your gold!
In the hour of the great fun -
Suddenly could wave a deep hurt,
With their black wings - a ravens' flock!

Now I'm really unpricked
All with you, the snake in grass!
With your blue-black plait you, dear,
Braid the amateur - and fine:
You're mine and not all mine!

You're with me and not with me, girl -
Always aim to the other lands!
Braiding me with your plait over,
You will hear, grasping breath,
The dead call of the ravens black!

7 december 1908

Предыдущий: Молчаливый влюблённый
Следующий: Г. Гессе. Девчонка сидит дома и поёт