Рубаи Хайяма. 6. En
Будь все добро мое кирпич один, в кружало
Его бы я отнес в обмен на полбокала.
Как завтра проживу? Продам чалму и плащ.
Ведь не святая же Мария их соткала.
Be all my good a brick alone, in a circle
I would take it in exchange for half a pint.
How will I live tomorrow? I'll sell a chalma and a cloak.
After all, it was not Saint Mary who has woven them.
(c) Omar Hayam
(c) translated into English by Maryna Tchianova
Его бы я отнес в обмен на полбокала.
Как завтра проживу? Продам чалму и плащ.
Ведь не святая же Мария их соткала.
Be all my good a brick alone, in a circle
I would take it in exchange for half a pint.
How will I live tomorrow? I'll sell a chalma and a cloak.
After all, it was not Saint Mary who has woven them.
(c) Omar Hayam
(c) translated into English by Maryna Tchianova